The Types of Rejected YouTube Videos

Many people really hope to be able to monetize their videos
but some channels may not be eligible according to YouTube
I will discuss about channels that won't be able to monetized and how to deal with it
Check it out
hello YouTubers!
This is important if you plan to monetize your channel
In November 2018, YouTube announces the channel that was rejected
is no longer in terms of "duplication", but "reused content"
this is the main reason YouTube rejected your partner program
or even demonetize your channel
well, channel that was rejected mostly because of number 1,
reused content
what is reused content?
if large portions of your channel either completely match other content, or are noticeably similar
even if only 1 or 2 videos, can be rejected
what are the things that considered reused content?
try to look at your channel, are there any of the following
number 1, you use public domain footage
These are the clips that don't have copyright
You can check on the internet, there are a lot of footage in the public domain,
you can see the example
number 2, you use royalty free music
copyright free music
weird? free royalty, why can it be rejected?
it turns out this is from Law of the United States, even it's free to use,
but when dealing with monetize, where you will get money from there, it's not allowed
number 3, video from others
this is re-upload, it will be rejected
even with millions of viewers, or only ten viewers, this will be rejected
number 4, compilations, this is the same as re-upload
I will explain this later
watch until the end
number 5, videos with Content ID or copyright
Well, if you use a copyrighted video, YouTube will not reject immediately
it depends
if most of your videos contain copyright, it will definitely be rejected
if it's just one or two, still acceptable
even if you can't monetize a video that has Content ID claim
the revenue goes to the copyright owners
except if you cover songs
it's eligible for revenue sharing
you steal a content from the website and use it in your video,
although this rarely happens, it's not allowed
for example you copy online news and read them for your video
it will be rejected
number 6, this often happens
I got a lot of questions about why their channels were rejected
it turns out their videos contain live concert recordings, from DVD,
TV shows, and other content that has copyright
if the most of the contents are about those, certainly be rejected
YouTube copyright bots is sophisticated
even if we use it for backsound, it can still be detected
I tried once, and I even merge the audio
I merge the original song with the other
number 7, gameplay without editing and narrative
If you want to create a gaming channel, pay attention to this
Videos simply showing a user playing a video game
or the use of software for extended periods of time may not be accepted for monetization
if you make a content about game, make it fun, with narrative, a joke,
with some editing, you can be approved
If you want to create a new channel, pay attention to these things
What can be done if you're rejected because of reused content or duplication?
delete the video
what if all the videos are reupload?
then I don't know what to do
the problem is, if you delete all your videos, your watch time will decrease
and this won't guarantee if your channel will be accepted
because you only have 30 days to reapply
My advice is forget about adsense, use your channel for other things
For selling stuffs, or create a new channel, and promote your new channel from the previous channel
Well, within a month, keep uploading original and good-quality videos
Then you can reapply, who knows YouTube can reconsider once again
now, for compilation videos, this is the most frequently asked
what about Calon Sarjana, YT Crash, and the other channels?
Calon Sarjana channel was created in 2016,
long before the new rules
In February 2018, there is a new requirement of 4000 hours and 1000 subscribers,
Their channel has already passed, won't be reviewed anymore
because they have met the new requirements
So, why are the ads still appear, those are reuploader
they take advantages in fair use systems
the explanation is here, it's still allowed by YouTube
according to that, as long as we can add new values ​​in the reupload videos,
the compilations are still allowed
Adding new value, for instance adding narratives, re-edit, so it's not 100% reupload
so, they have to choose footage which is free from Content ID claim
if it's risky, they will re-edit it
add vignette, put watermark, flipped, etc.
I notice that some videos on their channel that don't show ads
maybe some content is claimed to have the copyright
I have tried once,
I made a video similar to Calon Sarjana's
sea ​​lions
wow, who doesn't like to see their adorable behavior?
you can check the link here
the channel has been monetized and has met the requirement of 4000 hour watch time and 1000 subscribers
no need to be reviewed again
the ads appear on the video
this is proof, the channel that has been monetized
and met the requirements before February 2018, is possible to make compilation videos
lucky for them, Calon Sarjana doesn't need to be reviewed
but, the channel review is conducted periodically
any channel can be demonetized if it violates the rules
there was a channel that cast the voice of Africans using Sundanese
after reaching 100,000 subscribers, they want to apply for silver play button
in the end, it was demonetized
it sucks
it's a big channel though
they have a greater risk of making compilation videos
because it is related to copyright
now the big question
can we monetize our videos if we make channels like Calon Sarjana at this moment?
theoretically yes, because of the fair use system
but it's hard, because the rules regarding the reused content are very tough
see this one
first, third-party videos stitched together with minimal to no changes, it will be rejected
Third-party content compiled without a narrative, it will be rejected
Content uploaded somewhere else first, it will be rejected
Content uploaded many times by multiple users, it will also be rejected
This is from YouTube, so it can be accounted
Is that enough?
there's more
this is the hardest
during review, it was done manually
no matter how good you edit the video, it can avoid the Content ID, but won't pass the human intelligence
YouTube employee
so in my opinion, based on these things, and from the stories of some folks,
if you make a channel similar to Calon Sarjana now, you won't be accepted for monetization
with a heavy heart, I say this without intending to scare you
I just don't want you to waste your time
but, if anyone succeeds in making a channel similar to Calon Sarjana and can be monetized
after the new requirements, please let me know
continue to number 2, the type of channel that will be rejected
pretending to be some, for example, like this
I got a report yesterday
discover a channel using the exact name, Den JC
the videos are reuploaded
For now, I will just let it be
I want to know what will happen later
who is this guy?
You'll get into trouble
Your channel can be rejected because it impersonates other channel
same avatar, same channel name, same banner, same thumbnail, same video,
the point is, if your channel is confusing and can be considered another person by the audience,
you will be terminated by YouTube
just be yourself, don't pretend to be someone else
next, fake YouTube views
buy YouTube views, subscribers, sub4sub, pay people to watch your videos, stream your own videos
for example, you play own videos while opening the other tab
while browsing Facebook, or playing a game
this can be considered as view count spamming
fake YouTube viewer and watch time
Let me tell you, don't do those things
YouTube can detect
next, video spamming
this happens if you upload videos with similar content over and over again
learn to count using balls, learn to count using elephants,
using cars, and so on
this may be rejected, especially if the audience can guess the contents of your video
for example, why do they just watch for a while, this can be detected by YouTube as spamming
so please pay attention,
I once suggested trying to make a video based on the video that is popular on your channel
this doesn't mean you make the same video
but about the same topic
which is still related
make it unique, about the title too
you make the same video, just a little bit different, make a unique video
next, the thumbnail is misleading, or clickbait
doesn't related to the video, you lie to viewers
This is prohibited by YouTube
put arrows, circles, but there's nothing there
your channel can get rejected
so, upload thumbnail that is related to the video
pay attention to the text in your thumbnails too, okay?
next, it's because you don't comply to YouTube policies and guidelines
the content is not advertiser-friendly, etc
You can see more in this video
yesterday someone asked why the content was rejected, it discussed about pigeons
possibly because it is considered animal abuse
another is about fishing, I was also confused about that
YouTuber from Bandung, if I'm not mistaken, how is that?
another is bout poetry, whose videos are only images, rejected twice
I suggest him to appear in the videos
I checked, hopefully he will pass the review
if there are other topics that are rejected, please write in the comment below
I hope this is useful

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